July 31 – August 5 2024
Silent retreat with traditional Shipibo diet remotely guided by Maestro Heberto

4/5-day diet from Wednesday July 31 afternoon till Monday August 5 after lunch.
The circumstances in 2021 made us create this retreat with the guidance of Master Heberto at distance and it was so powerful that we decided to organize it every year. Heberto is an expert in doing healing at distance, he is a great channeler of energies and reads a person’s aura at distance. Because Heberto came to guide retreats here in centro Awankay in previous years he has a good connection with the nature and this lands. (Read more about el maestro Heberto here).
In this amazing place in the middle of nature of the natural park the Sierras de Cazorla y las Villas, we will work both individually and with the group.

For those people committed to dive deep into themselves, the healing retreat, diet and ceremonies, offers them a great opportunity for physical, mental and spiritual healing, and progress in their own ´camino´

We will be in silence minus two times a day in which we do group work with a ritual and a Peruvian bath with flowers and plants in the morning, and a meditation with breathing exercises in the afternoon.
On the days of the retreat, we will diet 4 master plants, namely 1. Ayahuma, which removes the energies and cleanses the filters and portals of the body, 2. Remocaspi, the main doctor which will not only help you in healing but also strengthens the intuition, 3. Marosa which contains a lot of magnetism and helps to awaken the inner healer, 4. 7 Powers, to seal the process. More info about these plants below.
We are fasting two days and the other days we only have lunch.
Heberto makes a first diagnosis based on the information sent by each participant before coming. On the first day of the retreat, Wednesday afternoon, you receive the result of the diagnosis.
All week Maestro Heberto will maintain a protected healing space and there will be a channel active to guide and channel the process.
You are in a single room or if you come with your partner in a double room. Therefore places are limited.
Contact me for more info about the program

AYAHUMA: Removes energies, expels negative energies. Increases the natural magnetism of the body. Cleans the filters and then attracts good things into life.
REMOCASPI: is the main doctor who not only helps in healing but also strengthens the intuition, to have ideas how to heal oneself. It is a doctor and a teacher.
MAROSA: Helps to awaken the inner healer, to understand things better, to love oneself more, to increase self-esteem, activates the energy in the hands and the third eye. It gives peace and calm and when connected to our third eye with our gaze we can transmit peace and calm to other people.
7 POWERS: Helps in the mind-heart connection and the channels that link the inner and outer aura. Helps to recharge the body’s natural magnetism, helps to remove negative energies that still remain. Increases the light and clarity of the aura.

Born in Maputae on August 15, 1978, in an ethnic community of Shipibo – Conibo, in the Ucayali region. Heberto was born with great divine revelations and the gift of healing, the use of healing plants. Over time he specialized in different branches of shamanic healing and the curative use of medicinal plants from the coast, sierra and jungle.
Heberto, descended from a generation of merayas and shamans (Ancient wise master healers). Since his childhood he has been instructed by his grandparents Guillermo, his wife Luzmila and other meraya healers, who transmitted knowledge of great mysteries that enclose the forests of the jungle, transmitting their knowledge and shamanic powers. Heberto is related to the great geniuses of outer space and their preference for the spirits of the wind. At age 7, Heberto started having his own icaros and at age 12 was able to direct ceremonies. Their sacred songs invoke the powers of nature to restore the balance and harmony of people with broken health.
Heberto has researched and developed his own technique associating with other elements and ways of curing diseases, even the unknown ones and the damages that come from hidden powers. He is an expert in the knowledge of the human body and soul and is endowed with that wonderful gift in his hands to be able to heal his fellow men through the elements of nature, his long experience acquired from the ancient shaman masters and the knowledge acquired during more than three decades.